This was the very disapponting end of a legendary bengali hero on the doubt

In march 2000,just before the match fixing scandal,SOURAV got his captaincy & straight from then he was able to make a impact ...its bcoz of those early wins under him that a lot of fans who'd been disillusioned,come back to a captain ,Sourav gave India plenty of pride & lots of substance.unedr his capyaincy only India became the runner-up of world cup 2003.he providded the kind of leadership you seldom see in any walk of life.he made the team believe in itself...believe that we can win.
thuogh his carrer ended with a duck,its the debut offie jason kreza of australia who caught Sourav's leading edge of his own bowling in the final test of border-gavasksr trophy2008.people should remember his 85 in the first innings not the duck.
And finally someone called DADA will be missed by each of us...