Life: In a sentence is what we are living now.
But is it worth to live life as just we are drowning in the flowing river. Life has a worth, which very few people understand & have experienced. I remember when I was in class 10th preparing for my boards; I escaped death just by few seconds. If I was dead that day, I would have never understood the worth of my life. From that very day, I understood that there is some force (most people refer to that force by different names but most commonly in English called GOD) who is there taking care of me from somewhere I have never been to. From that day, I realised life’s faith in me. That very day, I experienced ‘How much my parents love & care for me’. We need to understand our worth in this world.
I must thank life because it considered me to face many problems and made me realise that every problem have some solution to it. And each time I reached to the solution of the very problem, I understood the meaning of my life. The meaning is to live your life as if this is your last day here.
I mentioned life as a flowing river. Yes, I believe life is like a flowing river. Like river never stops flowing whether be it a upstream or downstream. Though the current of the flowing river gets affected, it increases & decreases but never stops. Likewise life comes across with the upstream & downstream too. Upstream refers to problems, difficulties we face. Downstream probably means the happy hours of your life, which you must cherish throughout your life.
Many complain lots about life that their life is getting bored and they can’t help it. Here is a solution to it: Every life has a purpose to deal with. Everybody aspires to become the ‘super hero’ or just live life happily. Find the purpose of your life and concentrate only in the present. Live your present, life will soon give you the present you are waiting for.
The main cause of sadness in today’s world in teenagers is because of: love, a girlfriend or a boyfriend. To be honest, once I was a victim too. But let me tell you: girls/boys are like the public buses and if you miss the first bus then don’t worry you will never miss the later bus coming to the stand, all you have to wait for the bus. And loving someone is never a problem ever, but in the name of love we become so possessive, we manipulate the girl/boy in the name of love. And this is not fair; they have the right to freedom too. They can do whatever they feel is right. I believe they will never do anything which will make the relationship worse, if they truly love you from the core of their heart.
Life is about keeping faith in the force that guides you, it’s about adjusting in the difficult situations, and it’s about being honest to life itself. And lastly your actions/deeds decide the kind of life you are going to live.